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Why Choose Homeopathy For Thyroid ?

Homeopathy For Thyroid disorders In India

The Thyroid is a small pear-shaped gland that is located right below the neck. It produces hormones like Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) which helps regulate the metabolism of the body. It also helps keep the body weight in control, regulates the level of energy, controls mood swings.

Thyroid | Homeopathy For Thyroid Disorders In India
Thyroid Gland

It was a myth when it was thought that only older women can have thyroid but now almost 30-35% of the women of a young age might suffer from thyroid.


Some of the major symptoms of thyroid are mentioned below:
  • Too sensitive towards cold
  • Pain in joints
  • Gaining weight
  • Feeling Dizziness
  • Losing memory
  • Loss of Hair
  • Constant Constipation
  • Not able to conceive


It is extremely important to know all the causes of the thyroid so that the causes can be avoided. The basic cause is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, i.e., an auto-immune condition in which the body starts creating its own anti-bodies that starts destroying the parts of the thyroid glands. The other causes are pituitary, hypothalamus and iodine deficiency problems.

Form of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid glands fail to produce sufficient amount of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism since the body uses iodine to make thyroid hormones

Thyroid Symptoms | Homeopathy For Thyroid Disorders In India
Thyroid Symptoms
Form of Hyperthyroidism
As it has been mentioned above that the major reason behind thyroid is that it starts creating its own anti-bodies that start damaging the thyroid gland and thus it becomes a problem for the thyroid gland.
The other form is known as toxic nodular goiter in which the abnormal nodules present in the tissue keeps on producing the hormones even when they are not required to do so.
When the pituitary gland starts making too much TSH, this may lead to constant stimulation of the thyroid gland. It might lead the TSH levels to rise and the gland may become insensitive to the thyroid hormones.

Why choose Homeopathy treatment for Thyroid?

Why Choose Homeopathy For Thyroid | Homeopathy For Thyroid Disorders In India
Why Choose Homeopathy For Thyroid

The doctors might tell you that the best way to get rid of the thyroid is either taking medicines all lifelong or surgery. But there is another way too and that is Homeopathy. It is a permanent solution to get relief from the pain permanently without giving you any pain.

The homeopathy treats the thyroid gland in such a way that the functioning of the thyroid glands gets better and it should be able to produce the hormones on its own, without any help of medications or surgery.

Homeopathy does understand that there can be major reasons behind thyroid and thus it focuses on treating thyroid naturally without taking any help of medicines. The remedies have been designed in such a way that they would help in stimulating the secretions of the thyroid.

It would be helpful in boosting energy, improving circulation and thus help in balancing the hypo and hyperthyroid symptoms and functions. It would be helpful in improving the coordination of thyroid with other functions of the body. It also helps in ensuring good health for the thyroid gland and for the whole body in general.

-By aarogya Clinic
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