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World Homeopathy Awareness Week

World Homeopathy Awareness Week | Best Homeopathy Clinic Near Me in Vellore
Homeopathy Awareness Week | Best Homeopathy Clinic Near Me in Vellore
The objective of world Homeopathy Awareness Week is to increase the awareness of homeopathy and improve accessibility to homeopathy. Usually World Homeopathy Awareness Week is observed between April 10th and April 16th and 10th April is celebrated as World Homeopathy Day
This week is celebrated by both, homeopaths for their contribution towards Homeopathy and also by those who have been healed with homeopathy.
The date of 10th April was chosen to mark the start of this event as it is the birthday of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the German physician who is credited with creating homeopathy.
Homeopathy, introduced and developed by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann with the objective is not the diseased part or the sickness but rather the totality of the individual. In homeopathy it is not only to cure the effeted organ but to treat the entire system including person-mind, body and spirit
Homeopathic medicines, or ‘remedies’, stimulate the body’s self-regulating mechanisms to initiate the healing process.
World Homeopathy Day | Best Homeopathy Clinic Near Me in Vellore
World Homeopathy Day | Best Homeopathy Clinic Near Me in Vellore

Homeopathic Principles

There are 4 principal for homeopathy and that are its foundation.
  • Similia Similbus Curentur
  • The Single Remedy
  • The Minimum Dose
  • The Potentized Remedy

Similia Similbus Curentur :It is the cornerstone principle Similia Similbus Curentur, “Let likes cure likes” Homeopathy actually derived its name from the Greek word , homoeo=’similar’, and pathos=’suffering’. Through huge research Hahnemann verified cure through the use of similars. A substance that can produce disease in a healthy person is used to elicit a healing response in someone presenting with a similar disease. Each person shows symptoms of the body/mind/spirit when they are sick. Some of these symptoms are common to that sickness, others are characteristic of that person in their sickness. The homeopathic practitioner matches the symptom picture of the homeopathic remedy to the symptom picture of the person, with particular attention paid to those symptoms which are unique to the individual.
The Single Remedy: This is second principle of homeopathy and its says that only one homeopathic remedy is given at any one time. Though It would be difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the action of multiple homeopathic remedies given all at once. Usually the response of the vital force would be unpredictable and ambiguous..
The Minimum Dose: The third principle of homeopathy is the Minimum Dose. Usually this refers to the infinitesimal doses of medicine given and also the repetition of dose only when necessary. Doses given in high quantity and frequently may couse of lots of side effect. To overcome this problem the homeopath administers the smallest possible dose so as to maximize beneficial effects and minimize side effects
The Potentized Remedy : Usually homeopathic remedies, though made from natural substances such as, animals, minerals, plants, etc., are manufactured unlike any other medicine. The entire process of serial dilution a very dilute extract is made. At every step of dilution the remedy is vigorously shaken-succussed. This process of succussion is designed to arouse the dynamic nature of the medicine. To affect the vital force, a similarly energetic, homeopathic remedy must be employed.
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